Migration Updates in Australia: Key Changes from December 2024 to February 2025

The start of 2025 has brought significant updates to Australia’s migration policies and various visa subclasses.

Here are some of the key changes which have occurred in the migration landscape between December 2024 and February 2025, including updates on the Student (Subclass 500) Visa, Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485) Visa, Pacific Engagement (Subclass 192) Visa, and applications for review to the Administrative Review Tribunal.

Changes to the Student Visa

Ministerial Direction 111 replaces Ministerial Direction 107

Ministerial Direction 111 Order for considering and disposing of offshore Subclass 500 (Student) visa applications (MD111) came into effect on 19 December 2024, replacing its predecessor, Ministerial Direction 107 which was found to disproportionately impact certain education providers.

Under Ministerial Direction 111, the Department of Home Affairs will be processing Student (Subclass 500) visa applications according to the following order of priority:

  1. Priority 1 - High - Student visa applications associated with education providers who have not yet reached their prioritisation threshold, which is 80% of their 2025 indicative allocation of new overseas student commencements in the higher education and Vocational Education and Training sectors. This applies to a range of sectors and school types, e.g. schools and higher degree by research sectors, as well as scholarship and TAFE students, and those from the Pacific and Timor-Leste.

  2. Priority 2 - Standard - Education providers who have reached their 80% prioritisation threshold, subsequent entrants, and any other offshore Student visa application.

Ministerial Direction 111 aims to create a more even approach to visa processing across a range of different provider types and locations, including for regional and small providers, and was informed by consultation with the international education sector undertaken by the Department of Education and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations throughout 2024.

Updates for Applicants from the Pacific Islands and Timor-Leste

The Migration Amendment (Differential Student Visa Application Charge) Regulations 2025 were registered on 20 February 2025 and come into effect on 22 March 2025, replacing previous partial refund provisions for Student (Subclass 500) visa and Student Guardian (Subclass 590) visa applicants from a specified Pacific Island country or Timor-Leste.

From 22 March 2025 onward, holders of a valid passport issued by the following countries will be able to pay a reduced visa application charge when applying for a Student (Subclass 500) visa or Student Guardian (Subclass 590) visa:

  • Federated States of Micronesia

  • Fiji

  • Kiribati

  • Nauru

  • Palau

  • Papua New Guinea

  • Republic of the Marshall Islands

  • Samoa

  • Solomon Islands

  • Timor-Leste

  • Tonga

  • Tuvalu

  • Vanuatu

The reduced visa application charges payable are as follows:

  • Base application charge of AUD$710 (c.f. the full visa application charge of AUD$1,600)

  • Additional applicant (18+) charge of AUD$530 (c.f. the full visa application charge of AUD$1,190)

  • Additional applicant (U18) charge of AUD$175 (c.f. the full visa application charge of AUD$390)

Eligible persons from the above countries who made an application for a Student (Temporary) (Class TU) visa between 1 July 2024 and 21 March 2025, and paid the full visa application charge, will still have a period of three months (until 22 June 2025) to seek a partial refund.

These changes reflect the importance of deepening Australia’s connections with countries in the Pacific region by supporting wider education opportunities within the region, thereby contributing to Pacific economies and providing opportunities for cultural, educational and skills exchange.

Changes to the Temporary Graduate Visa

Graduate Certificates not longer accepted

The Migration Amendment (Graduate Visas No. 2) Regulations 2024 and Migration Legislation Amendment (Graduate Visas No. 2) Instrument (LIN 24/086) 2024 were registered on 12 December 2024 and 13 December 2024, and coming into effect on 14 December 2024, updating the academic requirements for the Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485) visa and revising the types of Degrees that are accepted as eligible qualifications.

In particular, Graduate certificates (i.e. a Graduate Diploma) are no longer accepted as an eligible qualification, and only Degrees that are a Bachelor Degree or higher are now accepted as eligible qualifications for the grant of a Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485) visa in the Post-Higher Education Work (PHEW) stream:

  • Bachelor degree

  • Bachelor honours degree

  • Masters (coursework) degree

  • Masters (extended) degree

  • Masters (research) degree

  • Doctoral degree (research)

  • Doctoral degree (professional)

  • Higher doctoral degree

This means that a Graduate Diploma must be combined with one of the above eligible qualifications to meet the academic requirements for a Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485) visa, such as where it is part of a package of qualifications (e.g. a Bachelor Degree combined with a Graduate Diploma) to meet the following academic requirements:

  • 2 academic years of study (92 weeks)

  • 16 calendar months

  • CRICOS-registered courses

A Graduate Diploma will otherwise not on its own be sufficient to meet the academic requirements for the grant of a Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485) visa.

Increase in Visa Application Charges

The Migration Amendment (Temporary Graduate Visa Application Charge) Regulations 2024 were registered on 12 December 2024 and came into effect on 1 February 2025, increasing the visa application charges payable for the Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485) visa to:

  • For an initial (first) Subclass 485 visa application:

    • Base application charge: AUD$2,235 (from AUD$1,945)

    • Additional applicant charge (18+): AUD$1,115 (from AUD$975)

    • Additional applicant charge (U18): AUD$560 (from AUD$490)

  • For a subsequent Subclass 485 visa application lodged by a Subclass 485 visa holder:

    • Base application charge: AUD$880 (from AUD$765)

    • Additional applicant charge (18+): AUD$440 (from AUD$385)

    • Additional applicant charge (U18): AUD$225 (from AUD$195)

Changes to the Pacific Engagement Visa

A number of changes have been made to the Pacific Engagement (Subclass 192) Visa Program, including the:

  1. introduction of a new Treaty stream in addition to the existing Pacific Engagement stream;

  2. refinement of the pre-application registration (i.e. ballot) process; and

  3. introduction of English language requirements for certain Subclass 192 visa applicants and their spouse/de facto partner with a particular focus on speaking and listening skills to support effective communication.

For more information, read our previous blog post about Changes to the Pacific Engagement (Subclass 192) Visa Program.

Changes to Applications for Review to the Administrative Review Tribunal

The Administrative Review Tribunal (Consequential and Transitional Provisions No. 1) Amendment Rules 2025 were registered on 14 February 2025, giving applicants in immigration detention more time to apply for review to the Administrative Review Tribunal. Persons in immigration detention now have up to 14 days after notification of a decision (e.g. in relation to the refusal of a visa application or cancellation of a visa) to apply for review to the Administrative Review Tribunal.

Previously, Subsection 347(3A) of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) provided that persons in immigration detention had seven (7) working days to apply for review.

Need Help With Your Immigration Matter?

Our experienced immigration lawyers are here to guide you through the complexities of the Australian migration laws and regulations, ensuring that you have the best possible chance of success. We also offer fixed-fee arrangements to provide you with clarity, fee transparency and peace of mind throughout the process.

Should you be in need of any assistance with any of the updates mentioned above or have questions about your migration options in Australia, please do not hesitate to email us at info@inclusivemigration.com.au, submit an enquiry through our contact form or send us a message on WhatsApp. We are here to support you in your migration journey and hope we will be able to assist you.


Changes to the Pacific Engagement (Subclass 192) Visa Program