Australia opens Work and Holiday (Subclass 462) Visa ballot for China, India and Vietnam

We previously shared news on our Instagram page and TikTok about the new pre-application ballot process introduced by the Australian Government for the Work and Holiday (Subclass 462) Visa, whereby citizens of China, India and Vietnam can register to be randomly selected to apply for a Subclass 462 Visa.

@inclusivemigration Coming soon! New legislation came into effect today on 16 September 2024 so registrations may open soon. This is general information only and does not constitute legal advice. #migrationlawyer #immigrationlawyer #workandholidayvisa #workingholidayvisa #417visa #462visa ♬ original sound - Inclusive Migration Lawyer

The ballot process was designed to provide an equitable, streamlined and transparent means of selecting applicants from selected countries where the demand for Subclass 462 Visas generally exceeds the number of Subclass 462 Visas which are available.

As the ballot will now be opening for registration on 1 October 2024, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the pre-application ballot process and we hope that this provides you with clarity about the ballot registration process.

When will registrations commence and end?

Registrations for the first Work and Holiday (Subclass 462) Visas will open to citizens from China, Vietnam and India on 1 October 2024 and will close on 8 November 2024.

How much does it cost to register in the ballot?

There is a non-refundable AUD25 registration fee payable to register in the pre-application ballot. Persons who are selected to apply for the Subclass 462 Visa will have to pay the relevant visa application charge when lodging the Subclass 462 Visa application, which is presently AUD650.

How do I register in the ballot?'

To register your interest, you must submit an online ‘Registration - Work and Holiday visa (462)’ form through your ImmiAccount.

You will have to:

  1. Create an ImmiAccount (if you don’t have one already)

  2. Go to ‘New Application’

  3. Click on ‘Visa pre-application registration’

  4. Select the ‘Registration – Work and Holiday Visa (462)’ form

or, if you already have an ImmiAccount

  1. Navigate to the ‘Registration – Work and Holiday Visa (462)’ form

  2. Go to ‘New Application’

  3. Click on ‘Visa pre-application registration’

  4. Select the ‘Registration – Work and Holiday Visa (462)’ form

To complete this form, you will need to provide some personal information such as your name, date of birth, passport number and National ID number.

We also ask you to make some declarations on your form.

You can only submit a registration if you are between 18 and 30 years old (inclusive).

It is very important that you record your National ID number on your registration form correctly when you submit your registration. You will not be able to amend your National ID number after your registration is selected (if selected).

It is also very important that you verify your email address. This will ensure your email address has been recorded correctly and is a valid address.

You will not be able to submit your registration if you don’t verify your email address.

Incomplete registration forms cannot be submitted.

Can I submit more than 1 registration?

You can only submit one registration per program year, and your registration will remain in the selection pool until 30 April 2025 when the selection period for this program year ends.

The ballot may reopen for a new registration period in the next program year after 1 May 2025.

When will the selection occur?

The Department of Home Affairs will hold an annual ballot process for each participating country each program year beginning on 14 October 2024 and ending on 30 April 2025.

Participants who are selected will have 28 calendar days after being notified of selection to apply for a Subclass 462 Visa, and applicants who do not apply within this timeframe will not be able to apply for the visa or register again for this program year. The ballot may reopen for a new registration period in the next program year after 1 May 2025.

Persons who are selected to apply for the Subclass 462 Visa will have to pay the relevant visa application charge when lodging the Subclass 462 Visa application, which is presently AUD650.

I am close to the cut-off age of 31, am I still eligible?

Participants are eligible for selection up until they turn 31 years of age (i.e. the day before your 31st birthday) and selected participants must apply for their Subclass 462 Visa before they turn 31 years of age. Applicants who turn 31 years of age after their Subclass 462 Visa application is lodged (i.e. during the processing of the visa application) are still eligible to be considered for the grant of a Subclass 462 Visa.

On this basis, participants who are already 30 years of age are encouraged to monitor their emails regularly to ensure that they are able to lodge their Subclass 462 Visa before turning 31 years old, if they are selected.

Should you wish to discuss your eligibility for the Work and Holiday (Subclass 462) Visa Program, please do not hesitate to email or submit an enquiry using the contact form on our website.


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