Welcome to your Inclusive Migration journey
We are immigration lawyers in Australia who value inclusivity and we are not only your legal advocate, but also your support person.
We strive to make our legal services as accessible and affordable as possible, with fee transparency.
Instead of the traditional hourly rates model that most law practices use, we offer fixed fees to our clients, and you can browse our fee estimates at the Fees & Services section of our website.
Have a question about your options in Australia?
Whether you are seeking legal representation, legal assistance or ad hoc legal advice for your immigration matters, we are here to support you in your migration journey.
After hours and weekend consultations available upon request.

Visa Applications
Visitor visas, Student visas, Student Guardian visas, Working Holiday visas, Employer Sponsored visas, Partner visas, Prospective Marriage visas, Child visas, Adoption visas, Parent visas, General Skilled Migration, s. 57 Natural Justice invitation to comment, Notice of Intention to Consider Refusal/ Cancellation of visa
Citizenship Applications
Applications by conferral (permanent residents and New Zealand Citizens), by descent and applications to renounce Australian citizenship
Applications for Review
Merits review at Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Judicial review at Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, Federal Court of Australia and High Court of Australia
Waiver of No Further Stay Condition
Removal of Condition 8503 to apply for a visa in Australia
Application for Permission to Work
Application to remove Condition 8101 on a bridging visa
Ministerial Intervention Requests
Request for Ministerial intervention under s. 351 or s. 417 of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth)
Migration Agent Coaching/ Consulting
Guiding Registered Migration Agents through complex cases and putting together a strategic migration pathway on a case by case basis
Employer Sponsorship Compliance
Advising on sponsorship approval/renewal and compliance, maintaining accredited sponsorship, record keeping and conducting routine checks to comply with sponsorship obligations

We represent you
We act as the point of contact between you and the Department of Home Affairs, Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia and/or the relevant Skills Assessing Authority, and can represent you from the start to end of a matter, providing you with advice and guidance at each stage of your migration matter.
We also touch base with you regularly to let you know where we are at with your matter, and you will also have the opportunity to review any application or submissions we have prepared for you, prior to lodgement. Even after your visa application has been submitted, we involve you in every step of the way and explain very clearly what the issues at hand are, so that you are well apprised of the progress that has been made.
Our guarantee to you
We understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and we work closely with our clients to provide them with personalised advice about their options. We don’t overpromise; instead, we are practical, upfront and understanding, and will work with you to not only assess your current options, but also build a strategy for you to achieve your long-term goals of permanent residency or citizenship in Australia.
We are mindful that prospective migrants are generally only “heard” through documentary evidence at the visa application stage. As we understand the value of written advocacy, we take the time to prepare high quality legal submissions to accompany our clients’ applications, no matter how “straightforward” a matter may appear at the outset.
Our commitment to you
We are committed to obtaining a positive outcome for you, and our careful and considered approach to all matters means that we are able to quickly identify any potential issues that may arise in each case, so that they can be pre-emptively addressed at the earliest opportunity.
With our legal representation, rest assured that we will do all we can to present the strongest decision-ready case on your behalf, to not only increase the chances of success, but also minimise processing times for your application.